Post Separation Abuse

What is Post Separation Abuse?

Post-separation abuse can be described as patterns of abusive behaviours and tactics that abusers adopt to exert control and power over victim-survivors after the intimate relationship has  ended.

The abusive behaviours could include physical and non-physical behaviours targeted at the adult and/or children victim-survivors including their friends, other family members, and their pets.

Many victim-survivors are not often aware and therefore not prepared for the escalation of the abusive behaviours by the perpetrator, after the relationship has ended.

This website aims to provide related training and resources to professionals who provide intervention services to domestic abuse victim-survivors.


England & Wales

Domestic Abuse Act 2021

Serious Crime Act 2015, Section 76

Post-Separation Abuse Training

Full day intensive training on the dynamics of post-separation abuse.

Learning Objectives:

On completion of the course, learners will:

  • Be aware of the post-separation abuse framework
  • Gain deeper knowledge of survivor's lived realties after separating from the abuser
  • Be able to recognise the challenges survivors face post-separation
  • Have the ability to identify risk factors and ways to mitigate them
  • Become aware of appropriate intervention and support services
  • Design action plans for improved service delivery and outcomes for clients.

Target Audience

This course is suitable for professionals who work with domestic abuse survivors.

Adult Social Workers, Children Social Workers, Housing Officers, Cafcass Family Court Advisors, School Safeguarding Personnel, Health Care Professionals, Safeguarding Leads (DSL), HR Personnel, Team Leads, IDVAs, Relationship Coaches, Divorce Coaches, Counsellors, Family Solicitors, Mediators, McKenzie friends, and individuals interested in the subject matter.

What's Included?

Training pack for each delegate including images, workbooks, video links and a certificate of attendance. 

Delivery Method

The training is recommended to be delivered face-to-face (in-person). Consideration can be given to online delivery via Zoom or Ms Teams.


Half-Day from 9:30am - 1:30pm OR Full-Day from 9:30am - 4:30pm

Enquiry Form